Animals such as dogs, cats, raccoons, skunks, and bats can spread the rabies virus to humans through scratches or bites. Rabies is a viral disease that can affect all warm-blooded animals, including cats and humans.
Though some species are naturally resistant to the disease in certain ways. It attacks the nervous system, brain, and spinal cord of all mammals. Once symptoms are present, is 100% fatal to animals, if left untreated.
While rabies is a real threat in many areas, you can minimize the risk of this deadly disease by getting vaccinated for your cat and keeping him or her indoors.
If you are concerned your cat or kitten might have Rabies or may have caught this deadly disease, learn about the signs of infection, vaccines that protect cats, and how humans can catch Rabies from infected cats.
Cause of Rabies in Cats

Cats can definitely get rabies if they are unvaccinated, and this transmission could happen if a rabies-infected animal bites your cat. There are the following reasons for the transmission of the rabies virus.
- Transmitted through a bite from an infected animal.
- Passed on when the saliva or mucous of an infected animal enters another animal’s body via mucous membranes or an open, new wound.
- If your cat is exposed to wild animals.
- Unvaccinated cat is allowed to roam outdoors.
- Even if your cats are mostly indoors, they are still at risk of getting rabies, as infected animals, like mice, may enter your home and transmit rabies to your cats.
Symptoms of Rabies in Cats

A rabies-infected cat can only have days to live once signs begin to appear, which is why you must monitor the following common symptoms of rabies in cats.
- Change in behaviour( aggression, lethargy & restlessness)
- Loss of appetite
- Weakness
- Increased vocalization
- Paralysis
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Sudden death
Treatment of Rabies

After being bitten, your cat may show signs of rabies. You should immediately contact a vet for treatment.
- If your cat has been previously vaccinated against rabies then your veterinarian may recommend that you re-vaccine him/her after the bite.
- If the cat has not been previously vaccinated against rabies but is known to have been bitten by a rabid animal. Your veterinarian may recommend that you put your cat down or isolate them for months to ensure they do not contract rabies.
- If Rabies is suspected, a cat should be kept in quarantine and prevented from running away or harming anyone.
Rabies Prevention

Vaccination is the key to the prevention of Rabies. You can minimize the risk of this deadly disease by getting vaccinated for your cat. Consider keeping your pets indoors to reduce the likelihood of them being bitten by other animals who might have rabies. Seek medical attention immediately if you are bitten by any animal, or exposed to any animal suspected of having rabies.

In this article, we learned about rabies in cats. If you love your pets, you have to remember their habits so you can easily notice any change in their behavior. If you or your pet is bitten by any animal then instantly seek medical counsel.
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