
Why Does My Dog Drool So Much? The Facts You Need To Know

A dog with title "Why Does My Dog Drool So Much? The Facts You Need To Know"

A blog post on Dogs drooling and Salivating.

Dogs Drooling & Salivating is a normal behavior and can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of drooling in dogs include excitement, the anticipation of food, overheating, illness, pain, foreign objects in the mouth, and certain medical conditions.

Excessive drooling and hypersalivation can be caused by a variety of reasons, including heat, stress, excitement, dental problems, or eating habits. We’ll explore these causes and discuss the best ways to manage them. We’ll also discuss when it may be time to involve your veterinarian for additional help.

you’ll know why your dog drools and have the information you need to help your pup feel better and keep dogs drooling & salivating under control. So, if you’re looking to learn more about why your pup drools so much, read on!

Physiological Factors:  

Drooling and salivating in dogs is normal behavior and can be caused by a variety of physiological factors. 

  • Biochemically– dogs may produce excess saliva in an attempt to cool their bodies. 
  • Anatomically– certain breeds have loose jowls that cause saliva to collect, resulting in drooling. 
  • Medical conditions can also cause drooling, such as dental issues, allergies, or anatomic anomalies

Psychological Factors:

Psychological factors can influence the amount of drooling that may occur in a dog. Stress, anxiety, and other emotional reasons can cause a dog to drool more than normal.

  • Stress- One of the most common psychological causes of excessive drooling in dogs. High levels of stress trigger the body’s “fight or flight” response, which can lead to an increase in saliva production as a way to protect the teeth and gums from the stressor. 
  • Anxiety- This can also cause a dog to drool more than normal as a way to try and cope with the overwhelming feelings associated with the disorder. 
  • Anticipation of discomfort or fear- This can cause the canine to salivate more than usual. Other emotional triggers, such as excitement, fear, or happiness, can likewise result in increased drooling.
  • Prolonged exposure to certain environmental elements– such as extreme temperatures, can also cause a dog to drool more than normal. When the weather is too hot or cold, the canine will salivate in an attempt to keep the body temperature at its optimal level. 
  • Eating something strong & spicy– In addition, if a dog is eating something that is particularly spicy, sour, or otherwise strong-tasting, the body will respond by producing more saliva as a way to try and protect the throat from the irritants.

Health Conditions

There are a variety of health conditions that can cause excessive drooling in dogs. These conditions could include anatomical abnormalities, dietary issues, infections, neurological conditions, and systemic illnesses.

  • Anatomical Abnormalities: Dogs can suffer from a wide range of anatomical abnormalities that may cause excessive drooling. This could include cleft palate, tongue abnormalities, poor dentition, and foreign objects lodged in the throat.
  • Dietary Issues: Dogs may drool excessively due to food allergies, food intolerance, or dietary deficiencies. Vomiting, diarrhea, and inflammation of the digestive tract all can be factors in excessive drooling.
  • Infections: Infections in the mouth, throat, and sinuses can cause excessive drooling in dogs. Bacteria, fungi, and parasites could all be the cause of these infections.
  • Neurological Conditions: Neurological conditions can cause excessive drooling in dogs. Hydrocephalus, brain tumors, and encephalitis can all lead to excessive drooling.
  • Systemic Illnesses: Systemic illnesses such as liver disease, kidney disease, and Cushing’s disease can all cause excessive drooling. Any illness that impairs the dog’s ability to swallow or causes nausea can lead to excessive drooling.

Breeds That Are Prone to Drooling & Salivating

Dogs that are considered drooling breeds tend to have looser lips and jowls, which makes them more prone to drooling than other breeds. Breeds that are known to drool more than others include:

  • Bloodhounds: This breed is known for its long, loose jowls, which can cause drooling when the dog is in deep sleep, or when it is hot or exciting. 
  • Newfoundland: This breed is known to be a heavy drooler and can produce large amounts of saliva at any given time. 
  • Saint Bernards: Famous for their large size, this breed also produces a lot of salivae. 
  • Basset Hound: This breed has long jowls, which makes them prone to drooling. 
  • Shar Pei: The wrinkles around their face and mouth area can trap saliva and cause drooling. 
  • Bullmastiff: This breed has loose jowls and tends to drool when eating and drinking. 
  • Great Dane: This breed tends to drool when they are sleeping, drinking, and eating, due to their larger-than-average size. 
  • Chinese Shar-Pei: The wrinkles around their mouth and face cause the skin in the area to fold, trapping the saliva and causing drooling.

How to Manage Drooling: Tips and Tricks for Reducing Excessive Drooling & Salivating in Dogs

Managing drooling in dogs can be a tricky undertaking, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some tips and tricks to potentially reduce excessive drooling in your pup: 

  • Brush your pup’s teeth regularly- Regular brushing helps reduce dental plaque buildup and removes food particles that may be causing your pup to drool more.
  • Make sure your pup is getting enough exercise– Exercise can help reduce drooling and improve overall health.
  • Check for allergies- Food allergies can cause dogs to drool more than usual. Talk to your vet about possible allergy testing.
  • Use a drying agent- A pet-safe drying agent, such as cornstarch, can help absorb excess saliva.
  • Offer to chew toys or rawhide– Chew toys or rawhide can work as a distraction and encourage your pup to lick less.
  • Consider anti-drooling medication- Talk to your vet about medication options if the drooling is persistent. 
  • Make sure your pup is hydrated– Make sure your pup always has access to fresh, clean water. Dehydration can cause an increase in drooling. 
  • Avoid drastic temperature changes Extreme temperatures, such as a sudden change from hot to cold, can trigger salivation and lead to excessive drooling.


In conclusion, drooling is a normal and healthy behavior for dogs. It is essential to understand why your dog is drooling as it may be a sign of health issues. If your dog is drooling excessively and it appears abnormal, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Seeking veterinary care is the best way to make sure your pup is in good health and that they are not drooling due to an underlying health concern.

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