A blog about How To Get Rid of Bad Breath in Dogs and treatment and prevention.
Do you have a dog? If so, chances are pretty high that you love the little fella. One thing your dog loves a lot is getting all up in your face with those big floppy puppy lips, snuggling up to you, wagging his tail, and breathing all over you.
The smell of a dog with bad breath is one of the most unpleasant scents that you might face. You’re not just smelling an unpleasant odor, but also the foul smell of rotting teeth and gums – not to mention bacteria.
It could have implications for your dog when it comes to taking him to the vet if you think his breath is a problem. Bad breath doesn’t necessarily mean that your dog has a health problem, but it is often a symptom of something else wrong with him.
Bad dog breath isn’t just awful– it could also be an indication of a health problem. Before you pop your canine a doggy breath mint, take a moment to do a little research into the possible reasons for bad breath and what you can do to treat and prevent it.
Causes of Bad Breath in Dogs?
What causes bad dog breath? There are a whole host of reasons why your dog might have bad breath including gum disease, dry mouth, hormonal changes, and certain illnesses.
Some of the more common causes of canine bad breath include:
Dental disease

Dogs who have dental problems often have chronic bad breath because of plaque buildup in their mouths. In addition, high levels of tartar (a chemical produced by bacteria) can cause your dog to smell “fishy.” The best way to treat a dental problem is to get your dog professional teeth cleaning twice a year from a vet or groomer.
Mucus build-up
Dogs with allergies often develop chronic bad breath because their noses are constantly stuffed up with secretions from their sinuses and lungs. Other causes of chronic bad breath include respiratory infections, lung disease, and heart disease, among others. If you think your dog may be suffering from any of these conditions, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately so that you can start treatment as soon as possible!
Dogs who are pregnant, nursing, or lactating can experience an increase in oral bacteria leading to smelly breath due to hormonal changes in their bodies. Many pregnant dogs also experience nausea during this time which leads to increased salivation which also leads to an increase in oral expiration of gases.
Caring for pregnant dogs can be difficult because they’re often more active than usual, which means they tend to eat more food and drink more water than usual too! This means that their saliva glands may become enlarged during pregnancy because there’s no need for them to produce saliva for food digestion.
Not brushing your dog’s teeth regularly
Brushing your dog’s teeth is an important part of keeping their breath healthy and fresh! You should brush your dog’s teeth at least twice a day and use toothpaste that has an ingredient that helps prevent cavities. You can also use dental chews as an alternative to regular brushing – just make sure they’re edible!
Food allergies
Dogs that suffer from food allergies may have symptoms like frequent vomiting, diarrhea, or skin rashes after eating certain foods (such as fish). If you suspect your dog has a food allergy, consult your veterinarian about dietary changes that will help eliminate the problem.
Dry Mouth
A dry mouth is the most common cause of bad breath in dogs. A dry mouth can be caused by anything from being over-exposed to environmental allergens or medications to an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or liver disease. If your dog has a dry mouth and it’s not caused by any other condition, then you may want to consult with your veterinarian about the best treatment options for this condition.
If you notice that your dog’s breath smells like rotten eggs or sulfur when he is panting, it could be because he has achlorhydria (lack of proper stomach acid production). This occurs when there is an overproduction of stomach acid due to vomiting or diarrhea, which causes an imbalance between stomach acid and hydrochloric acid levels during digestion.
If you’re concerned about your dog’s bad breath but haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause, talk with your vet about testing for allergies or other conditions that might be causing the issue.
Kidney, Liver, or diabetes disease
Kidney failure leads to an increase in toxins called Urea in the blood. Urea can make the breath of a dog smell like ammonia or urine. Excessive urea can cause ulceration in the mouth as well.
The liver’s function is to filter the toxins in the body. If there is a problem with the liver function of your dog, toxins can be produced and lead to as bad breath. Dogs with diabetes may have an acetone or sweet smell to their breath.
Get rid of Bad breath in Dogs

Bad breath is a common problem for dogs. It can be caused by various factors, including tooth decay, dry mouth, and a lack of saliva production.
If you’re concerned about your dog’s bad breath but haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause, talk with your vet about testing for allergies or other conditions that might be causing the issue. The following are some tips on how to treat dog bad breath:
- Regular Brushing of the dog’s teeth.
- Use dental treats and products (Virbac Veggiedent Oral Hygiene Large Dog Chew, Supervet Dog Chew Munchy Sticks MINT Flavor Dog Chew Sticks )
- Use dental diets
- Adding minerals to the water.
- Using a mouthwash or spray.
- Feeding your dog raw meaty bones.
- Visit the Vet
- Trying an enzyme toothpaste and a finger toothbrush.
A dog’s bad breath is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. The smells of your dog are indicators of his health, so you should always take them seriously. The good news is that bad breath can usually be fixed with a little effort and care from you.